
Prinsip Operasi

Instrumen melakukan pengukuran terus-menerus tingkat setara dosis ambien radiasi gamma dan sinar-X dalam rentang energi yang luas, memantau radiasi alfa, beta, dan neutron, beroperasi sebagai spektrometer radiasi gamma dan pengidentifikasi radioisotop, dan mengukur kontaminasi makanan/tanah dengan radionuklida 137Cs.

Instrumen dilengkapi dengan alarm suara dan visual bawaan, modul GPS, antarmuka USB untuk komunikasi PC. Memori non-volatile memungkinkan perekaman dan penyimpanan hingga 10.000 peristiwa. PM1401K-3 memiliki ukuran yang ringkas dan LCD yang ringan, cerah dan berwarna, casing hermetis yang tahan guncangan dan dapat digunakan di lingkungan dalam dan luar ruangan.


DetectorCsI(Tl), GM, 6LiF/ZnS
DER indication rangefrom 0.01 μSv/h to 200 mSv/h
DER measurement range0.1 μSv/h – 100 mSv/h (10 μR/h – 10 R/h)
DER measurement accuracy±(15 + 0.0015 / Ḣ) %; where Ḣ – measured dose equivalent rate value in mSv/h (in the range from 0.1 μSv/h to 100 mSv/h)
Energy rangewithin the range of energies from 0.015 to 0.045 MeV± 40 %;within the range of energies from 0.045 to 15.0 MeV± 30 %Neutron count ratefrom thermal to 14MeVof β- radiation flux0.15 – 3.5 MeV
Energy response relative to 0.662 MeV137Cs, no more than± 30 %
Alarm Typeaudible
Drop test on concrete floor0.7 m.
Ingress protectionIP65
Power supply3.0 (+ 0.2; -0.4) V; two AA batteries or USB
Battery Lifetime(in normal radiation background and provided LCD backlight, sound and light alarms are used no more than 5 minutes/day), at least210 h.
Additional functionsClock-calendar mode (time, date), timer mode (set of time intervals) , stop-watch mode (measurement of time intervals)
Weight≤ 0.82 kg
PC communicationUSB interface
Operating temperature-30 to up to +50 °С
Atmospheric pressurefrom 84 to 106.7 kPa
Dimensions262х60х65 mm
Humidityup to 95 % at 35 °С
Mean service lifetime≥ 10 years
Activity measurement sample density range0.2 – 1.6 g/cm3
Count rate indication range in the search mode1.00 – 2.7·105 s-1 – α-, β-, γ- radiation
Indication rangegamma (in a search mode)1 – 9999 cpsneutron (in a search mode)0.01 – 999 cps
Number of γ-radiation scintillation spectra saved in the instrument’s memoryup to 1000
Sensitivity for β-radiationfor 90Sr+90Y≥ 3.5 pulses·cm2
Sensitivity to α-radiation (for Pu-239)≥ 0.5 pulses·cm2
Sensitivity, neutron radiationfor Pu-α-Be≥ 0.1 pulses·cm2for thermal neutrons≥ 3.5 pulses·cm2for Pu-α-Be (with neutron moderator)≥ 0.6 pulses·cm2
α- radiation flux density accuracyon 239Pu in the range from 15.0 to 105 min-1·cm-2±(20 + 450/φ) %, where φ – measured α-radiation flux density, -1·cm-2
α-radiation flux density measurement range15.0 to 105 min-1·cm-2
β- radiation flux density accuracyon 90Sr+90Y± (20 + 60/φ) %, where φ – measured β-radiation flux density, min-1·cm-2
β- radiation flux density measurement range6.0 to 105 min-1·cm-2


PM1610 X-Ray

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